How to use 9x9 Sudoku Game

Basic Rules
- Fill each empty cell with a number from 1 to 9
- Each row must contain all numbers from 1 to 9
- Each column must contain all numbers from 1 to 9
- Each 3x3 box must contain all numbers from 1 to 9
- Pre-filled cells cannot be modified
- Click any empty cell to select it
- Use number buttons or keyboard (1-9) to input numbers
- Use Erase button or Backspace key to remove numbers
- Click "Check Solution" to verify your answers
- Click "New Game" to start a fresh puzzle
Scoring System
- Starting score: 100 points
- Correct number: +1 point
- Incorrect number: -1 point
- Time penalty: -5 points every 30 seconds
- Game ends when score reaches 0
Visual Feedback
- Green numbers: Correct placement
- Red numbers: Incorrect placement
- Gray numbers: Pre-filled cells (fixed)
- Blue highlight: Selected cell
Game End
- Game ends when you click "Check Solution"
- Game ends when your score reaches 0
- Submit your score to the leaderboard
- Complete quickly for a better score!
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